"A good photograph is knowing where to stand." ~ Ansel Adams ~

The collaborative journal of two intrepid photographers on an epic quest to
figure out just where to stand -- while watching out for what they step in.


We're Back!!! Wooo-Hooo!

Greetings, Blitzers! We're back! After months and months and months and...a very long time, we've returned once again! Did you miss us? Of course you did, why wouldn't you? We did! (Well, we missed the blog. We're always around ourselves so it would be hard to miss...nevermind. You get the idea. Oh, but you're a smart bunch! Good-looking, too!)

Anywaaaaay...we're back to posting pics. Mind you, we hadn't stopped taking pics. Au contraire! We've been taking oodles and poodles of pics, Blitzing like the highly-caffeinated & sleep-deprived camera-slingers that we are, endlessly and non-stop. We (okay, "I") just haven't gotten around to posting them all. But thanks to Tim's, ahem, shall we say, steady encouragement ("Did you post them yet? How about now? Now? How about now?"...), I am posting pics from a Blitz in fabulous Long Beach, CA. So without further ramblings from me, here's a big batch o' Blitz. Enjoy the tour. We sure did!

BlitzTim in Action.

Right this way, folks, the tour begins here.

On a clear day, you can see the Hollywood sign.

Art in the park.

The fabulous and uncrowded Long Beach Airport. We flew in from Paris via our private jet.
True story. (Or at least we like to think so.)

The private jet is so big, it has a golf course. Like the logo?
(Ssssh, Tim, don't tell them about the country club. They think this is in the jet!)

The new PhotoBlitz HQ. Yeah, we bought the building. Why not? It matches the private jet.

Well, these are just a few of the pics we shot. Click Here to be whisked away to more random PhotoBlitz shots of fabulous Long Beach, California.


The Dog Days of Summer are Here!

Greetings, Blitzers. Are you enjoying all the reruns on TV? Well, I guess even Hollywood needs a summer vacation. Now, here at PhotoBlitz.US Central, there have been no reruns. New stuff all the time, that's been our aim. But ya know, it is summer...and it's been really, really hot down here in SoCal.,,,and, well, we just haven't been out Blitzing in the usual way. Lots of Blitzettes, but other than Tim's recent Big Bear adventure,.. What I'm trying to say is, who wants to go out in that heat??? We sure don't! As it is, Tim's regular gig has him out in that hot, humid ickiness all day -- and this week he's working OT, he's on-call... I'm surprised he hasn't melted! So, we're a little low on stock (pics) right now. And since the Blitzing has been curtailed -- the PhotoBlitz.US summer rerun season has begun! 

For the next, I dunno, two, three, twelve weeks, (whenever this heat ends) please feel free to revisit previous posts. Enjoy the pics, enjoy the odd writing, and get that warm, fuzzy feeling all over again. Also, be sure to go to the PhotoBlitzUS page on Facebook for bits of photo-related stuff. Now, if you really need some new pics, check out Tim's Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/45159964@N08/) and RedBubble.com pages (http://www.redbubble.com/people/blitztim) which he regularly updates. 

Until we return to our regularly scheduled programming, hasta later, Blitzers!


I Can See for Miles and Miles and Miles and Miles and...

Can you believe Tim clicked this pic from the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro!!! No? Ok, how about Mt. Everest? Uh, would you believe a mountain made out of a molehill? Ok, fine, I give up. Now I'm not going to tell you where it was taken, so there. Hah!


Darn! I can't keep a secret from you lovely Blitzers. It's a view from Jackrabbit Trail, looking out towards Perris Lake in our own Southern California. Now ya know. And since knowledge is powerful, you're like 100% more powerful than you were just seconds ago. No need to thank us. We are, as always, here for you. 

Hasta later, Blitzers!